Tuesday, September 2, 2008

AR Fund?

I know everyone takes care of their own individual gear needs, but I've been thinking about all the additional gear we could use as we continue to train and race. Items like climbing ropes and harnesses... kayaks, paddles and PDFs... bike racks, a team trailer, tarps, coolers... not to mention maps and UTM materials. The list could be endless... and fun. Plus there are the dreaded unavoidable costs associated with racing like national forest passes and fuel (sorry to use the four letter word)

Any thoughts about pooling something monthly, maybe $20 each. No requirement, just a "donation." Seriously, no pressure. I like how the group and the training are expanding and I'd like to build upon it.

Open for discussion....


Mike Bellows said...

I support the idea of a "fund" and encourage discussion on how to structure it. I recommend the following points:

1. It is voluntary.
2. A stand-alone account is established.
3. Funds are accounted for.

There are a few points that need to be addressed:

1. Is the donation a set amount monthly / biweekly?
2. Is there an escape clause that allows you to bail and recover money put into the fund?
3. On larger item purchases, how is the item depreciated and is there a buy out clause if a person wants to recover his investment?

It may work out where there is a fund limited to specific reoccurring expenses like race fees and fuel costs and a separate fund for gear purchases. Maybe everyone commits to keep a separate gear fund an then ante up when a designated item is purchased?

Bottom Line: The idea has merit and should be discussed.

Heather said...

I'm open to the discussion of a fund. I like the concept, especially as some of us see the crunch in the economy and in our jobs this may be a way that it's not such a huge impact when things do come around.

The problem that I would have with each of us doing a stand alone account is would we really ut money into this fund?

Mike you bring up some good point about what to do if one of the guys bails. Maybe we all understand that it is voluntary and if you do at some point decide to bail it's your lost and the funds or the items stay with Madness.

I agree that there are items that should be looked at as a team though and that funds would be helpful.

Just my two cents.....

Anonymous said...

I like the idea, but to be honest, $20/month might be a little much for me. I would like to see something more affordable like $10/month.

I agree it should be voluntary, treated as a donation as opposed to a mandatory dues. I also agree with John that once the money is donated, you shouldn't be able to recover it. What if that money were already spent on supplies? If you donate towards the Madness fund, it should be because you appreciate the time it takes to putting all the training sessions together (especially as we add more people and it takes more time and supplies to plan accordingly). It should be because you enjoy the camaraderie and want to get in shape. And you don't mind donating towards "the cause" for lack of a better term.